Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Types for Staff - 2 Hours

2 modules

Course Length
2 hours

Self - Guided


The purpose if this course is to give administrators and caregivers a basic understanding dementia and the significant challenges it poses in residential care.

The term “dementia” refers to a pattern of features and traits; it is not a disease by itself. Rather, it is associated with many different underlying disorders. The term is used to mean an impairment or loss of mental powers. It consists of two Latin words, which translate to “away” and “mind.”

Dementia causes many areas of intellectual ability to decline, and it is severe enough to interfere with daily functioning of a healthy, alert person. The decline affects many areas such as vocabulary, judgement, reasoning, physical coordination and mathematics.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Staff Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Types (2 Hours)
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Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Types Quiz
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